Offering advice and guidance in all things SEN in line with the SEND Code of practice and Children's and Families Act 2014
Local Authorities
Evaluating processes within the SEND system. Particularly those linked to the EHCP. For example, the 20-week assessment process, the annual review process, phase transfers, consultation process, preparing for adulthood and cease process.
Evaluating the LA’s engagement with other services, looking at the ways to collaborate with other services to promote the best possible outcomes for young people and children with SEND, particularly those with EHCPS. Finding a clear and efficient ways to work alongside Health, Social Care, Attendance, Outreach service and other services.
Evaluating the data in the local authorities in relation to SEN. Unpicking trends and patterns and finding solutions to improve areas around timeliness of statuary processes.
Evaluating the financial forecast in SEN. Reviewing budgets being used to support young people with SEN. Finding efficient ways to make cuts and save money in the service.
Providing guidance around restructures in SEN teams. Looking at the best ways to deploy staff across teams to get the best out of staff, leading to positive outcomes for children and families that use the service.
Unpicking areas of risk and corporate challenge to develop efficient delivery plans.
Providing advice and guidance on statuary processes within SEN.
Providing guidance on the EHCP process.
Supporting with engagement and comms with educational settings.
Supporting with engagement with other services as well. For example, health, social care, outreach or other alternative provisions as well.
Education settings
Supporting educational settings with their engagement with the Local Authority.
Giving settings advice/guidance on how to support young people with SEN within the setting. Working with schools to make a more inclusive environment.
Evaluating the schools’ policies around SEND and behaviour.
Supporting educational settings with their understanding of the EHCP application process.
Other services (NHS, Social Care, Residential Care, Youth Justice System)
Offering general advice around SEN.
Supporting other agencies with their understanding of EHCPs and how they contribute to EHCPS in line with the statuary processes.
Developing the multi-agency models within services, reviewing how they work with families, Local authorities and settings. Developing a well-rounded approach to supporting young people and children with SEN.